What are the 5 S’s?

5S is a system for organizing spaces so work can be performed efficiently, effectively, and safely. Walailak University has implemented the 5S system into the management of all departments under the green university strategy of happiness. To create an organizational culture as a discipline for all personnel and students through the practice of continuous participation from everyone. In order to create a working environment and living an orderly, clean, safe and good environment under the standard of the university through an organizing process to eliminate wasted resources to organize for convenience and increase efficiency. Effectiveness of work and learning by cleaning to detect abnormalities and preventive maintenance. Which will lead to being a high-performance university under the happiness of working and living in a good environment.

 Seiri (Sort)

SEIRI or Sort, involves going through all the tools, furniture, materials, equipment, etc. in a work area to determine what needs to be present by storing items that are necessary for use into categories and what can be removed by selling or destroying.

 Seiton (Set)

Seiton or Set in Order is to arrange the necessary items in the right way for the most convenient use.

 Seisou (Shine)

Seisou or Shine is cleaning up the work area in every spot. In addition, the cleaning staff must check for any irregularities, involves performing regular maintenance on equipment and machinery.

 Seikets (Standardize)

Seiketsu or Standardize means maintaining and improving the practice of the first 3S, defined as standards and practices to improve and maintain over time, tasks will become routine and 5S organizing and cleaning will become a part of regular work.

 Shitsuke (Sustain)

Shitsuke or Sustain refers to the process of keeping 5S running smoothly, also of developing the working behavior, thinking/ working method/ making decision by following to S1-S4 correctly to become a part of regular work or an organizational culture for sustainable success.

      In order to following the 5S policy of Walailak University. School of Science has also set the policy, objectives and goals of 5S activities as follows:


  1. Promote and support staff of the School of Science to understand and realize the importance of work quality improvement by implementing 5S activities by consistently.
  2. Board of directors must support, monitor, and giving advice on how to solve the obstacles of 5S activities, which is considered an important mission.
  3. Provide 5S activities as a basis for continuous improvement of work quality.
  4. According to 5S activities with the 5S activities standards of Walailak University, monitoring and evaluating the implementation of activities according to the action plan of 5S Walailak University
  5. Use the assessment results to improve the 5S activities following the university policy, to promote better work efficiency.


  1. To generate an organize, convenient, clean working environment.
  2. To cultivation of consciousness and positive attitude in the discipline of all staff.
  3. To promote and support all staff to understand how to improve and develop work by awareness the importance of 5S activities and continuing to practice.
  4. To develop all staff to participate in effective teamwork, organize, cleanliness, and unity in School of Science.
  5. Use the 5S activities as a guideline for effective resource management
  6. To enhance the good corporate image.


  1. All areas of School of Science are an organizing, convenient, clean, hygienic and safe.
  2. All staffs participate in 5S activities continuously, consistently and seriously.
  3. All staffs work with pride under a good working atmosphere and a hygienic environment.
  4. All resources are more efficiently management.
  5. Get a 5.0 score from 5S university standard.
  6. 95% of the staff of the school of Science satisfy with the working environment
  7. All staffs of the School of Science participated in the 5S operation.

Under renovation of Academic Building 1

Under renovation of Academic Building 1

Under renovation of Academic Building 1

Under renovation of Academic Building 1

Under renovation of Academic Building 1

Under renovation of Academic Building 1