Green School of Science, Walailak University


1.1 Size of the building area of the unit

School of Science is located at Academic Building 1, Walailak University 222 Thaiburi, Thasala district Nakhonsithammarat 80161, Thailand

1.2 The size of the area covered by plant

1.3 The total number of Science Staff

School of Science There are a total of 62 staff, divided into

  • Academic staff of 49 people
  • Operation and support of 13 people

2.1 Using energy-saving appliances

2.2 In-house renewable energy generation


2.3 Electricity consumption


2.4 Project or activity reducing greenhouse gas emissions

2.5 Energy Conservation Policy

  • Air conditioners turn on at 9:00 a.m., and turn off at 4:00 p.m.
  • Turn off the lights and turn off the air conditioner (working zone) during the lunch break from 12.00 – 13.00 hrs.
  • Adjust the air conditioner to 25 degrees Celsius.
  • Turn off the lights at noon or when no one is in the room.
  • Turn off your computer screen at noon or not use it.

3.1 Policy to reduce the use of paper and plastic in the organization

  • Don’t be shy to bring food container

Use a food container or use a basket to put things. Reduce the use of plastic bags Campaign to use cold glass instead of plastic glass. Use cloth bags instead of plastic bags.

  • Reducing papers by using WU DOMS system


  • Using E-car for booking, help reduces paper

  • Reuse paper for work such as photocopying.

3.2 Waste Recycling Campaign

waste sorting

3.3 Toxic waste management


3.4 Organic waste management


3.5 Inorganic waste treatment


3.6 Wastewater management


water usage data

YearTap water (cu.m.)Water from natural water sources (cu.m.)

4.1 Projects or activities to conserve/reduce water use in the agency

4.2 Implementation of a water recycling project

4.3 Using efficient water-saving devices

4.4 Water conservation policy of the agency

5.1 Average number of bicycles used within the department each day

  • Number of bicycles belonging to the university: 2 bikes
  • Number of bicycles belonging to the personal property of personnel: 10 vehicles

5.2 Transportation system initiatives about eliminating or reducing private vehicles on campus.

Walailak University led solar electric cars Under the name of the mass rapid transit project. To be used as an internal transportation system to serve students and personnel Ready to open to welcome new students on July 14, 2018, aiming to reduce accidents and Reduce global warming towards Smart & Green University

5.3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Use Policy

       – Bicycle and pedestrian access policy     

Walailak Go Green